Versatile Diesel Bleeding / Primer Kit

Thursday 26 January 2012
When the diesel fuel system is being serviced or fault finding is being carried out air will be introduced into the system. A number of modern systems are either self-bleeding or have a hand pump already fitted, however many can still take some time to purge the system of air. And if there is no self bleeding system fitted then even a simple job like replacing the fuel filter can lead to problems.

This new professional Diesel Bleeding / Primer Kit from Laser Tools (part number 5262) has been developed to allow the user to connect into as many diesel fuel systems as possible using the correct style of connector coupling. There are six different connector types included, covering Ford, PSA, GM, Fiat, Rover, Land Rover, Renault and Mercedes Benz.

Use the hand pump until clear fuel (no bubbles) is seen in the clear exit pipe. If air is difficult to purge through the system a bleed valve is included in the kit which enables this air to be bled off.

Prices correct at time of publication. For further details, please contact the Marketing Department: 01926 818196